Tax Litigation – Representing Taxpayers

We advise and provide legal counsel to taxpayers of all kinds, individuals, businesses and other legal entities in tax matters, civil, criminal, or both, before federal courts, state courts and state and federal administrative agencies. We help taxpayers who are threatened, challenged, improperly compromised or abused by tax agents, police authorities, and other third parties. Whether the challenge is singular or complex, whether we serve as planning and advisory counsel or actively prosecute or defend tax claims and accusations we devote ourselves to your success.

Tax Litigation – Representing Advisors, Tax and Financial Professionals

We advise and represent professional return preparers, financial advisers, legal advisors and promoters before the same federal and state courts and agencies, in criminal, civil and licensing matters. We also help plan and appropriately manage potential risks and issues by creating and structuring systems and methods that demonstrate due diligence, sufficiency and conformity. Our clients include C.P.A.s, attorneys, C.F.P.s, RIAs, insurance and financial advisors, PhD.s, M.D.s, D.O.s, O.D.s, and a host of other professional individuals and businesses from the full spectrum of American industry and commerce. It=s because we succeed where others don’t.

Use what we are, what we provide.

When a contentious, litigation challenge confronts you benefit from our proven longevity and continuing success.  Others will perceive you as having that extra credibility, gravitas and weight that comes from our credentials and experience.  Objectively review your challenge and consciously take advantage of what we are and offer.

But even if your needs do not directly appear to require our litigation help, make no mistake about it, what we’ve proven ourselves to be continues to work to your advantage.  No matter how subtle, it comes into play in everything we do.  All of our planning, structuring and negotiating work benefit from it.  Even when litigation is not considered it will be acknowledged and taken into account by others.

Take the test. Take a look at the range of different litigation and non-litigation matters that we handle.  Ask yourself whether our expansive experience and demonstrated results won’t help you optimize your results.

We’re certain you will conclude that they do.